Registration tel .: 67 210 65 55

In the Pain Treatment Clinic, specialist doctors provide comprehensive care for patients suffering from pain.

Pain treatment is carried out in many directions through:

comprehensive pharmacotherapy

temporary blockages (one-off and continuous) of peripheral cranial nerves under ultrasound guidance

nerve plexus blocks.


Monday from 13:00 – 18:00 Dr. of Medical Sciences Rafał Pasztrzeniec, specializing in anaesthesiology and intensive care

Tuesday from 8:00 - 12:00  Dr. of Medical Sciences Rafał Pasztrzeniec, specializing in anaesthesiology and intensive care, 

from 18:00 – 20:00 med. Jacek Wichłacz,

nurses Dorota Świstak-Rembacz, Anna Pawłowska