Palliative Medicine Ward Palliative care covers the patient and his family. It strives to provide patients with the highest possible quality of life, with full attention to maintaining the dignity and respect of patients and their relatives. It is based on versatile action. The main goal here is to alleviate the suffering of body and soul.

 The medical goal of palliative care is to treat (alleviate) symptoms that cause suffering to the sick: most often pain, but also many others (e.g. dyspnea, vomiting, lack of appetite) and to improve the quality of life of these patients.

 Caring for the sick is not limited to the medical aspects. Comprehensive care is provided by an interdisciplinary team including: doctors, nurses, medical caregivers, psychologist, physiotherapist, chaplain.


The services provided by the department include in particular diagnostics and treatment of: 


 end-stage cardiomyopathies,

 consequences of inflammatory diseases of the CNS, including primary systemic atrophy involving the CNS,

 HIV diseases

 complete respiratory failure,

 pressure ulcer,

 end-stage multiple sclerosis.


Admissions are scheduled only - the doctor issuing the referral or the patient's family are asked to contact the doctor working in the ward to arrange admission. Qualification is based on current medical documentation and after talking to the patient and caregivers.

 Medical indications: the presence of the above-mentioned diseases with symptoms difficult to control at home, a cancer patient after causal treatment, it is also possible to treat oncological patients in two ways, i.e. causal oncological and symptomatic palliative treatment in order to select drugs, mainly for pain relief or treatment in order to select medications, mainly for pain relief or to perform certain procedures, e.g. paracentesis, pleural puncture, palliative radiotherapy.

Non-medical indications: replacement care for up to 10 days.